Day 32 (Tues. June 13/06)
Delta, BC
We were planning on leaving today but I decided to get a new rear tire installed because
it is very doubtful that it will last until we get home. The Bridgestone they put on
measured 9.5/32" as compared to a Dunlop 404 which is rated at 8/32" (I think it was more
like 6 or 7/32"). The old Dunlop looked even worse after it was off the bike.
I have had some more nose bleeds. There was a hospital 2 blocks from the bike shop so we
decided to have my nose looked at while the tire was being installed. The service at the
hospital was quick and easy. He said to use Poly Sporin to help it heal, no hot drinks or
alcohol and keep my head above my shoulders when bending. The other choice was to pack it
for 3 days with gauze. He said he wouldn't even recommend that choice for himself.
Daily Stats
Todays stats are included in the next day